ホーム > 書籍詳細:I am at the service of Music (Kangaeruhito)

In this interview, the young maestro, whom people call the "Messiah of the classical music," spoke beautiful and considerate words in a very modest manner.

I am at the service of Music (Kangaeruhito)

グスターボ・ドゥダメル/著、グスタフ・モルテンソン/photographer、Akiko Kusaoi/著、Kangaeruhito/著



  • 電子書籍

Gustavo Dudamel, the musical director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, a visiting conductor of top world orchestras such as Berlin Philharmonic and Vienna Philharmonic, is the shining star of Venezuela's remarkable musical education system El Sistema. In this interview, the young maestro, whom people call the "Messiah of the classical music," spoke beautiful and considerate words in a very modest manner. ****First Japanese magazine edition published in "Kangaeruhito"(Thinkers) No.50, 2014 Autumn Issue by SHINCHOSHA Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 2014


読み仮名 I am at the service of Music Kangaeruhito
発行形態 電子書籍
電子書籍 価格 110円
電子書籍 配信開始日 2014/11/21

I am at the service of Music (Kangaeruhito)


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