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Julius Caesar: To the Banks of the Rubicon - The Story of the Roman People vol. IV




  • 電子書籍

For the past two millennia, no historical figure has exerted as strong a grip over the human imagination as Julius Caesar, a leader of unprecedented genius and charisma, inexhaustible energy, and boundless ambition, who lowered the curtain on the era of republicanism and set Rome firmly on the path to empire. What shaped his character and his vision? This volume traces Caesar’s early career, from his alliance with Pompey and Crassus in the First Triumvirate, to his rise to the consulship and his conquest of Gaul.

Chapter One Infantia: Caesar as a Young Child
Chapter Two Pueritia: Caesar to the Early Teens
Chapter Three Adulescentia: Adolescence
Chapter Four Iuventus: Youth
Chapter Five Virilitas: Manhood Part 1
Before the Rubicon
List of Illustrations
About the Series and Author


読み仮名 Julius Caesar: To the Banks of the Rubicon - The Story of the Roman People04
発行形態 電子書籍
電子書籍 価格 1,540円
電子書籍 配信開始日 2014/08/08

Julius Caesar: To the Banks of the Rubicon - The Story of the Roman People vol. IV


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