ホーム > 書籍詳細:The Story of the City on the Sea - A Thousand Years of the Venetian Republic vol. 1

Best historical essay on Venice Republic by the east Asia bestselling author of The Story of the Roman People.

The Story of the City on the Sea - A Thousand Years of the Venetian Republic vol. 1




  • 電子書籍

This compelling essay unfolds against the backdrop of Italy, a land marked by power struggles and incessant invasions. Spanning over a millennium, the narrative traces the ascendancy of the maritime powerhouse, Venice, as it dominates European trade and steadfastly defends its freedom and independence.

The pages of this literary gem vividly portray the resounding name of Venice in the Mediterranean, showcasing the sophisticated governance that propelled its prosperity. Through the lens of Shiono Nanami's insightful storytelling, readers are immersed in the wisdom of the people who inhabited this extraordinary city-state.

Contents of Volume One

Episode One: The Birth of Venice
Episode Two: To the Sea!
Episode Three: The Fourth Crusade
Episode Four: The Merchant of Venice
Episode Five: The Art of Politics
Episode Six: Genoa, the Rival
Episode Seven: The Women of Venice


読み仮名 The Story of the City on the Sea - A Thousand Years of the Venetian Republic vol. 1
発行形態 電子書籍
電子書籍 価格 1,529円
電子書籍 配信開始日 2024/01/26

The Story of the City on the Sea - A Thousand Years of the Venetian Republic vol. 1


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