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The Story of the Crusades vol. 1




  • 電子書籍

In 1095, the Catholic Church led by the Pope called for the recapture of the Holy City of Jerusalem, which had long been under Muslim rule. Under the slogan "God wills it," seven Christian lords rallied to the cause. The First Crusade was established. The seven lords, with their various agendas, grow and overcome difficulties, sometimes in conflict and sometimes in cooperation with each other. They had conflicts with the Byzantine emperor, crossed Asia Minor, and fought over Antioch, a large city. What was the outcome of the First Crusade to Jerusalem?

From the author of "The Story of the Roman People", bestselling historical essay sold 18 milllion copies in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and China.


読み仮名 The Story of the Crusades vol. 1
発行形態 電子書籍
電子書籍 価格 979円
電子書籍 配信開始日 2022/10/04

The Story of the Crusades vol. 1


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