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The Story of the Crusades vol. 3




  • 電子書籍

The crisis of being driven from the holy city of Jerusalem by Saladin led to a series of crusades from Europe. King Richard I of England, nicknamed the "Lionheart King," attacked Acre, a strategic point, and brought stability to Cyprus as a hinterland. The Republic of Venice used the Crusades as an opportunity to establish an economic base in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, through skillful diplomatic tactics, temporarily restored the holy city of Jerusalem without a single battle. King Louis IX of France led two crusades and was revered as a "saint.

However, after the king's participation in the crusades was in vain, the city of Acre fell again to the Muslims, bringing an end to the 200-year-long crusade. What did the biggest event of the Middle Ages bring about in the following period? Who were the real victors? This is the conclusion of the series that boldly asks the huge questions of history.

From the author of "The Story of the Roman People", bestselling historical essay sold 18 milllion copies in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and China.


読み仮名 The Story of the Crusades vol. 3
発行形態 電子書籍
電子書籍 価格 1,034円
電子書籍 配信開始日 2022/11/01

The Story of the Crusades vol. 3


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